Thursday 2 July 2009














































Courtesy :

Courtesy : How to be Successful & Happy, Sixty four tips from India’s Ancient Wisdom
Author : Vimal Patil


Here, for the readers entertainment and interest, is a list of the sixty four modern arts, which a ‘complete person’ should master to achieve success and happiness. Tick as many as you can and continue as you learn new skills. You will have hours of fun.

1. Singing
2. Dancing
3. playing a musical instrument
4. Sculpture
5. Painting
6. Drawing
7. Swimming
8. Martial art
9. Weight lifting
10. Yoga
11. Photography
12. Web design
13. Reading
14. Rhetoric
15. Logical thinking
16. Lateral thinking
17. Integral thinking
18. Meditation
19. Cooking
20. Carpentry
21. Speaking
22. Listening
23. Climbing
24. Woodworking
25. Stained glass painting
26. Wilderness survival
27. Dressing well
28. Writing poetry
29. Writing
30. Telling jokes
31. Sensual awareness
32. Knowledge of nutrition
33. Sports
34. Card or word games
35. Film making
36. Child are
37. Physiognomy
38. Gardening
39. Sewing and needlework
40. Prevention illness
41. Finger painting
42. Driving
43. management of finances
44. Personal grooming
45. Entertainment of guests
46. Conflict resolution
47. Story telling
48. Non-verbal communication
49. Origami
50. Acting & performance
51. Cleaning the house
52. Interior decoration
53. Machine repair
54. Animal care
55. Wine tasting
56. Therapeutic touch
57. Qi cultivation
58. Sensual massage
59. Laughter
60. Making love
61. Lucid dreaming
62. Helping a friend
63. Befriending an enemy
64. All of the above


After reading the above, success and happiness must seem to be extremely difficult goals to achieve. But remember, anything that is precious or priceless, is invariably difficult to accomplish.

Finally, success and happiness must be measured by the positive difference you make to this world during your lifetime, and not only by the amount of money you earn or the luxuries you enjoy!

Indian culture is rich in symbolism of great beauty and elegance. Birds, animals, creepers and suspicious shapes are used to guide people to their goals and bring them near to divinity through faith and the experience of purity.

1. The shimmering white swan is a symbol of purity and knowledge. It is always seen with Saraswathi, the goddess of learning and knowledge.
2. The peacock is a symbol of regal beauty, colour and elegance. It is attached to Saraswathy, the goddess of learning and knowledge and karthikeya, chief of celestial armies.
3. The eagle is a symbol of power and fight into the limitless sky. It is associated with Vishnu, protector and sustainer of the universe.
4. The bull is a symbol of strength and perseverance. He is the compansion of Shiva, the destroyer of the universe.
5. The lion and the tiger are symbols of power and speed. Both these regal animals are seen with Durga or Shakti, the goddess of power.
6. The elephant is a symbol of prosperity and fortune. It is seen with Lakshmi, the goddess of luster and plentitude, wealth and good fortune.
7. The horse is a symbol of surrender to divinity, generosity and devotion.
8. The Tulsi plant is a symbol of surrender to divinity, generosity and devotion.
9. The Bel cluster of leaves represents creation, sustenance and destruction: the trinity of divinity.
10. The mythical trees or creeper of wishes – Kalpataru or Kalpvallari – is the sysmbol of fulfillment of dreams and good fortune.
11. The Om symbolizes the cosmic sound, the origin as well as the end of everything in the universe.
12. The Swastika symbolizes the energy of the sun and is an auspicious mark of welcome.
13. The full pot with mango leaves and a coconut is the symbol of mankind’s desire for immortality or the nectar of life.
14. Lakshmi’s feet are a symbol of prosperity and welcome to a happy household.
15. The lotus is a symbol of beauty and detachment. It is the seat of Lakshmi, the goddess of luster and prosperity. She carries red lotuses in herhands. Saraswathi, the goddess of learning and knowledge carries a while lotus. It is also her seat. Lotuses are seen in the hands of all river goddesses.
16. Various yantras or sacred shapes are used in all religions to symbolise divine power


By its very nature, Indian culture encourages you to celebrate every day of the calendar. The Indian calendar is dotted with innumerable festivals connected with religion, birthdays of gods and goddesses, birth and Nirvana anniversaries of great saints as well as national heroes; harvest celebrations; seasonal feasts; geophysical events; weddings and other sacraments and numerous ‘women only’ festivals in addition to temple visits, pilgrimages and folk fairs. These describe Brand India – a concept which teaches that life is a priceless gift of God and must be celebrated as an on-going festival by every individual.

Every day brings a shimmering new sunrise and ends with a sparkling sunset that carrier a new day in its womb. But along with the joy of living, life also brings grief, frustrations, unhappiness and disappointments caused by anger, guilt, hatred, jealousy, greed, lust, arrogance and attachment to indulgence. These are the negatives of human life. Life comprises a mixed basket of opposites which exist concurrently: Want and detachment; incessant activity and peace; aggression and surrender; stress and meditation; anger and forgiveness; selfishness and generosity- all these co-exist in us. When you want something desperately; your frantic activity in achieving your desires makes your aggressive, stressed and angry. Whenever things do not go you way, your heart sinks and you lose hope. This is the irony of life. On the one hand, it offers you the opportunity to live with joy, success and happiness. On the other hand, it puts all kinds of obstacles in your path to achieving these goals. This is perhaps the result of the basic conflict all of us face – we have a limitless mind and soul caged in a very limited body. Our dreams and desires are almost always larger than our physical existence. Our souls are permanent; but our bodies are eminently time-bound. This contrast is the cause of all misery, which comes to us throughout only one way to combat this inbuilt contradiction within us: We must begin our journey inward, step by step, into our inner being, which is a divine temple of peace.

So while you are on your relentless, mind-numbing journey towards the goal of success in every walk of life, you have to simultaneously begin your journey inward, cruising joyfully along the rainbow of self-analysis and self-questioning for improvement. At the end of it, you will surely find the promised pot of gold-peace and happiness, which no one can raise yourself to the heights of achievements your desire. You are your best friend. So also, you are your worst enemy.

As Adi Shankaracharya writes: A person who realizes the truth of four words – Nitya, Anitya, Viveka, Vichara – and applies it daily to his/her life, does not need any further knowledge. He/she finds happiness even in the midst of misery. Roughly translated, these four words mean:
Think what is permanent,
Understand what is impermanent or transient
Distinguish between the two with peace within the temple of your mind
Then mediate only upon that which is permanent.

This simple philosophy runs lie a golden thread through all India spiritual thought. If we accept the eternal truth of these words and remember it as a signpost through our frenetic rush towards, success and happiness, we are sure to find both in abundant measure.
Have a look at the career graphs of successful sports-persons, serious wealth creators, famous artists, film stars and creative talents and you will find that all of them never rest on their laurels. When they have reached the peak of their careers and achieved the highest honours – sometimes even setting up world records – they take one more step to improve their performance. Most successful people keep pushing their goals to higher levels when they have reached each level of achievement. They never give up their search for perfection. So following their example, all of us must make the effort to push the envelope just a little further, each time we touch a goal of our lives. Expecting a higher performance from ourselves makes us successful and doing this with peace and contentment makes us happy.


When you are over confident and arrogant about your prowess at being successful and beating all competition, you are sure to end up being confused. Confusion of the mind and the senses disturbs concentration and meditation on your goal. It often creates the wrong picture of the task which lies ahead of your and stops you from using the reservoir of skills you have to attain the goal is not realized fast. It makes you impatient, ill tempered and foul mouthed when the results of efforts are not to your liking. It makes your team of workers, your colleagues and others associated with you turn away in disgust because over confidence you a feeling of false superiority.

But when your confidence works to bring out the best in you and hones your skills of knowledge, communication and effort, it is a positive quality and helps you to reach your goals of success and happiness with ease and comfort. Confidence makes you patient over confidence ruins your chances of achieving scintillating success in your efforts.


Betrayal is the worst crime you can commit. Loyalty to your nation, to your government (whatever its configuration viewpoint), loyalty to your employer or profession, loyalty to your parents and family and to your spouse and children add a special quality of contentment to your life. A man or woman who betrays his/her country is called a traitor. Nor surprisingly, he/she is given a death sentence when proved to be a betrayer. Such a person belongs to the lowest rung of humanity and deserves to be condemned by all. A person who constantly cribs about the failure of his/her government to deliver without participating in bringing about change for the better; or complains constantly about his culture, downgrading it in the eyes of the world; or maligns his/her motherland, parents or family, is as betrayer of the worst kind and cannot be trusted to be loyal to anything or anyone.

Fortunately, our history gives us enough examples of men and women who stood up for the honour of their motherland, for their culture and for their parents and families to provide us with icons to follow. Chhatrapathi Shivaji fought lifelong for the right to Independence, for the flourishing of his religion and culture and for the welfare of his people. Guru Arjundev, Rani lakshmibai of Jhansi, Bhagat Singh, mahatma Gandhi – and many more are examples to us. Many saints have suffered untold torture to relentlessly seek social reform, to alleviate the condition of the poverty-riddled masses, to educate the illiterate and to speak up for the downtrodden. Their courage in the face of extreme social ostracisation or unjust punishment is a shining example for us.


Purity here means being consistent in purpose, thought, speech and action. If your purpose is clear; your thoughts are in consonance with your purpose; your speech is clearly expressive of your thoughts and your actions are based on this continuous process, then your actions and attitude will be pure and successful. Observing self-imposed rules and regulations too gives you a sense of purity and generates happiness in life. After all, who can draw the lines of control in your life better than yourself? But once you have determined the scope of your duties and responsibilities and defined the kind of person you wish to be, be faithful to your image of yourself and do not swerve from your ideals unless you wish to rewrite your life-plan in an improved, better manner.

Purity in life also means keeping your body clean and healthy. Look the best you can to feel confident and self-assured. Take all precautions to maintain good health and fitness so that your body does not become a burden for you. And just as you clean your body every day, remember to clean your mind and spirit regularly to remove the cobwebs of negative from them. A dear friend gave me a brilliant concept to do this. She said, “If you wish to sleep well, do this mental exercise. When you are ready to retire, wash your face and body well and remove all traces of dust or make up or other cosmetics you have used. Brush you hair and clean your teeth. Then, in a cool room – put the fan or air conditioner on – and sit steady and alone in one place for half an hour. Be sure to assume a comfortable posture because you should not get up and walk or move about during this time. At firs, sitting cross-legged in one place for this time may seem difficult because your mind will not let you be steady in your thoughts. It will make you hyper – you will remember half-done tasks, messages to give, duties to write down and calls to make the next day. If this is so, finish all tasks and then settle down in a solitary place in you home. Once you have attained this pose, systematically remember everything you did or said on that day without rancour, anger or regret. Do not be judgmental of others or yourself. Just to this exercise to improve your memory.

“Put on some soothing music if necessary and slowly remove every thought from your mind, however important it seems to you. When the mind is light and clean, fill it will the awareness that you are not in charge of this world. You cannot drive the unending cycle of change. You are but one among billions of lives that inhabit this earth and your safety and well being lie in completely surrendering to the divine power without whose command not even a leaf can swing in the breeze. Give over all your worries and the care of your life to this power. Leave the worry of the future and the regret of the past to his power and lie down with a light, fresh mind living in clean, healthy body. Then go to sleep, listening to the music or to the silence of your energised mind and experience the luxury of deep, undisturbed sleep”.


The quality of fortitude enables you to face all kinds of obstacles and calamities which befall you during the course of your life with equanimity. Remember that there is no person on earth – from the richest to the poorest – who has not suffered pain of every kind, physical and emotional. That you get into painful situations does not in any way make you unique. But how you deal with the pain does make you unique. A useful story to remember here goes like this: There lived a very rich man in a wonderful city near which there stood the ashram of a wise mendicant. The rich man squandered away his wealth and soon became almost a pauper. When he could no longer live in the style he was used to, he went to the sadhu and cried before him. He describe how he had fallen on bad days and asked for a solution to his problems. The sadhu brought him a sealed mud pot and said, “The day you have lost everything, open this pot and find your solution.” The main waited for a few days till everything he owned was gone. Then he opened the pot. Inside was a piece of paper on which were the words, “This too shall pass!”
Reading this cryptic message, the rich man knew that there was a future awaiting him and that he alone could change it. He began to work hard and save money diligently. Soon, he was back on the path of recovery and was well off enough to feel buoyed. He went once more to the sadhu and invited him for a meal to express his gratefulness. Th sadhu came and before sitting down to dinner, asked the man to get the mud pot back to him. When the pt was present to him, the sadhu asked the rich man to open it once again and read the message: “This too shall pass!” said the paper. Thus the sadhu impressed upon the man that in life, circumstances keep changing like light and shade. A man/woman who sails through both good as well as bad times, is a person of fortitude and courage. Learn from this parable the quality of remaining untouched by the exigencies of time. Expect change and you will not be caught unawares by the cycle of life and its changing patterns.


Forgiveness gives you great strength. It teaches you to control your anger and stops you from harboring ill will and hatred towards other and there by purifies you. Many people thing that forgiving a person his/her misdeed is being kind to him/her. This is not so. By throwing away the burden of someone else’s mistakes and misbehavior. You are doing yourself a favour. Your mind and heart becomes clean and ready for fresh thoughts and actions. However, be careful that you do not forget the misdeeds or betrayals of others. If you remember them for the sake of reference alone, you will be able to avoid similar situations in the future and be more discerning in your encounters with people. You will stop giving opportunities to others to do wrong to you. In this context, you will be able to sift your friends, relatives and acquaintances and reserve you confidences or thoughts only for a few. Remembering the betrayal of people in your life will make you wiser and more focused on where to maintain secrecy and hold your silence. Remember, everyone makes mistakes. It is human to err. Most important, forgive yourself the mistakes you make and do not carry the burden of guilt. It weighs you down and slows your pace in life.


Self esteem and relentless devotion to your goals are the fount of a lustrous personality. When your heart tells you that you have listened to its call and done what your conscience tell you, you are sure to be on the way to achieving a wonderful personality. Lustrous people achieve the impossible as history proves time and again. Adi Shankarcharya walked the length and breadth of Indian three times, marking the boundaries of the nation by setting up his powerful maths in the four corners of India (Badrinath in the north, Dwarka in the west, Sringeri in the south and jagannathpuri in the east). In his short life of thirty-two years, he regenerated the scattered spiritual energies of India and broutht all people together in a religion, which taught secularism, brotherhood and devotion to one divinity. He founded the Advaita philosophy which has hugely influenced even the theories of modern quantum physics. Raja Shivaji defeated the moghuls and fought with just a small army to establish his kingdom based on justice and truth despite his minimal resources. Vivekananda took his philosophy for humanity to the US in an age backward and heathen by the industrialized western nations and changed the mindset of many nations.

Lustre of personality is born of dedication to one’s purpose in life. It comes from taking one day at a time and doing your best in everything to do, never losing sight of your goal. Many people in modern India worship Lakshmi as the goddess of wealth. They not rue. According to Indian tradition, Lakshmi is luster. It is the gift of a person who has lived an exemplary life of love for his/her motherland, worked hard to make his/her wealth, developed all his/her life and achievements with everyone. Lakshmi is reflected in the countenance of a person who is joyful, aware of the beauty of nature, determined to strive for perfection and always thinks auspicious thoughts.


Fickleness of mind is your worst enemy. If you change like the chameleon at every step of your journey towards your goals, you can never be steady in your search for success. If your mind and body are not in your control, you waste time and energy. A mind under control is your best friend. Your mind is the root of your desires. When it creates a confusion of many wants and needs simultaneously, it misguides you to jump from goal to goal become obstacles in dedicating yourself to long tern achievements. Indian tradition sets out two ways to conquer the fickleness of your mind. Firstly, surrender to your higher intelligence, which should guide you in making the best use of your abilities and time to chart out your path to success. Secondly, meditate to receive the grace of god, which helps you to concentrate and control your mind. This is not easy but wonderful when realized.


A boastful person who talks incessantly about his/her achievements, wealth or blessings does not achieve success or happiness. Generosity, bravery, fearlessness, modesty, riches, contentment, and enrichment of life – these and many similar qualities are considered divine in the Indian tradition. Modesty about your achievement and the riches you possess make you an attractive person whose popularity is boundless. Even a cursory glance at today’s celebrities will unfold to you who are more appealing because of their innate modesty and who are pitiable because of their bombast and boasting. Those who achieve great ambitions know that what they have accomplished is nothing in comparison with what the masters of knowledge have achieved in the past. These are no true end to achieving the ultimate. Perfection is not easy to achieve. It envisages success in worldly matters as well as spiritual matters. Boasting about one’s success is an expression of immaturity and ignorance.


The ability to inspire creativity in others is a great quality of masters. In their company, people tend to achieve their best because there is freedom and encouragement to achieve high goals. The Bhagwad Geeta recommends the quality of ‘mardava’ which is exemplified in the every seed and opportunity to germinate and grow into a strong plat or tree. It is also exemplified in the gentle nature of a mother, who gives ever opportunity to her children to flourish and achieve their best. Similarly, your behaviour and lifestyle should be such that everyone who comes in contact with you through your work or leisure, is inspired to achieve his/her best. This ‘giving’ and ‘regenerating’ nature is a sure path to achieving your own success and happiness because it enriches it beyond measure. Achievement and pride of being creative is not the monopoly of any one person. It is the right of everyone. Once you realize the truth of this statement and practice it in daily life, you will automatically see that people are drawn to you as iron particles are drawn to a magnet. When people believe that they can find their fulfillment in your company, you too can achieve abundant success and happiness.


Hospitality has been an important part of the Indian tradition. Being hospitable to your guests and friends gives you home an environment of purity and stability, in which positive qualities can flourish. Our epics are full of stories about how the poorest and most deprived people can win the heart of god through selfless hospitality and devotion. The stories of Shabari, the tribal woman who won the grace of Ram by offering him the berries growing wild in the forest and of Sudama, the poor friend of Krishna, who received divine love in return for a handful of rice, which he gave with love to Krishna, are becons, of guidance for us. Courtesy and hospitality are graceful qualities bestowed on the fortunate. The homes of such people are blessed and joyous. They never suffer from want of any kind. They remain unaffected by possessiveness and extreme greed.


Kindness and compassion are the qualities of the strong of heart. Only those who know themselves, are confident and secure in their achievements can afford to be kind to others. Insecure people who are suspicious, full of envy, troubled by self-doubts and uncertain in self-confidence, are prone to being unkind and critical of others. Their lack of faith in themselves makes them harsh of tongue, mean in behaviour and grudging in their relationships. To star tith, therefore, you must work hard to cut out the negatives of life from your mind and build your self-esteem by all the hints given in the preceding pages. When you know your path to success and happiness and are determined to achieve your goals through consistent hard work and effort, you will find it easier to be kind and patient with people around you. Disturbances of negative feelings will not affect you when energies are directed towards your own aspirations. Therefore, making kindness an integral part of your lifestyle is desirable.

Study the lives of all great people in the past. They have always condemned evil acts and intentions rather than evil people. Because they believe that people can change and discard their evil nature when their egos are controlled.

However, it is important that you use your discerning abilities to regulate your kindness to avoid unnecessary suffering. You are not born to change the evil-doers beyond a reasonable point. Finally, you are responsible only for improving yourself.


Peace come from a relentless practice of equanimity. On the one hand, sorrow, anger, greed, grief an lust create continuous disturbances in the mind. On the other hand, joy, happinesss, excitement and desire also create waves in the mind. When both these extremes rule the mind, there cannot be peace in your life. Facing the ups and downs of life with a practical attitude and acquiring at least a semblance of equanimity makes you a peaceful person. Peacefulness is a habit, which needs to be practiced till it is perfected. There has to be a constant prayer for peace in your heart, whatever activity you are engaged in. Peace is worth acquiring because it is the foundation of your health and well-being. Remember this one liner and meditate upon its contribution to your life in future: “Peace comes not from the absence of conflict in life but from the ability to cope with it creatively”.


Life often brings you to a crossroads, where you have to make difficult choices. You have to give up something that you have taken for granted; leave behind something that has given you comfort or surrender something over which you think you have a right. If this happens, be patient and think out the realities of the situation. Did you take something or someone so much for granted that your attitude soured the relationship? Were you grateful or did you become complacent in accepting service, love and loyalty? If, because of these reasons, you have come to a turning point in life, where giving up a relationship, a friendship or a position becomes inevitable, do this with grace and peace. Do you suddenly have to give up a career, a home or a place, which has been a source of comfort to you? Think why this has happened so that you can avoid similar circumstances in the future. But do not burn up your heart while giving up the comfort when you have to. Acknowledge hat whatever is happening, may be result of your own actions. Sometimes, you are forced to give up something over which you thought you had a right. But remember, rights can change over a period of time. Sometimes, even legitimate rights are snatched away from you by force or stealth. If you feel cheated, fight for your right till you are satisfied that you have done your best. But if you do not succeed, remember to do your best and leave the rest. Learn from the experience and take care that you are not cheated the next time. Renouncing a relationship, a valued possession or the fruits of one’s hard work is never easy. But burning yourself up mentally and emotionally forever after the loss makes your life a continuing hell. When the deed is done, it is better to forget and get on with life in the best possible manner.


Most people suffer from rage because of the stresses of life. From the waking moment to the time a person retires for the night, there is one desire or the other, which remains unfulfilled, causing disappointment and disgust! This constantly boiling cauldron of dissatisfaction boils over and occupies the mind, making it full of anger. Overwork, stressful relationships, unbridled ambition, greed and avarice for more and more material acquisitions – all these take away the peace of your mind. In fact, the learned say that anger and peace can never live in the same heart, As long as you allow anger and rage against the world to fill your heart, there is no room for peace and happiness in your life. Anger management is therefore a dire necessary for achieving success and happiness.


Truth has been enumerated as a godly quality by all religions. Being truthful makes you fearless effortlessly. However, Indian tradition spells out how you should adhere to truth. “Follow the path of truth. But take are that the truth you speak does not harm or hurt anyone. Do not speak falsehood, which is entertaining and is greatly enjoyed by your listeners too. Rishi Vyas says that truth is greatly enjoyed by your listeners too. Rishi Vyas says that truth is the symbol of a strong character. But the truly learned understand that more than truth, the welfare of all people is fare more important. A seeker of truth should always speak or act in the interest of everyone’s welfare and progress. Spiritual truth is that which serves the purpose of improving the lives of the majority of people. The best truth is no use to mankind if it does not spawn welfare and progress. This rule applies specially to those people who occupy leadership positions in all fields. They should be truthful in bringing about the progress of the nation for which they are committed. Those who are truthful in fulfilling their responsibilities are practicing the truth of divinity.


The ability to look anyone straight in the eye and speak your mind is a great blessing of life. It proves that you are fearless and truthful and do not hesitate in facing anyone, howsoever powerful the person in front may be. Being straightforward does not, however, mean that you should hurt everyone’s feelings by speaking rudely or arrogantly. Straightforwardness is not always expressed in speech. It is evident in the manner in which you present your point of view, the body language you use and the clarity of your eyes. Straightforwardness is gentleness tempered with clear intent and goodwill. It aims at protecting all those who live by their values and ethical principles. In the modern age of frenetic business methods, it may seem all right to cheat to get ahead. It may seem an attractive short cut to your goal. But when you have achieved your goad with hard work and straightforwardness in your dealings, without unjustly snatching someone else’s share of success, then you are truly blessed.


When you find that your personal interest are against the good of the community, be prepared for giving in. If the society or community you live in is healthy, your health is easier to achieve. In a polluted, corrupt environment, you cannot flourish single handedly. Nor does the growth and wealth you obtain at the cost of the good of your community or your country give you any credit. When you see illiterate people, don’t be arrogant about your education. When you see people unexposed to the vistas of life, don’t be impatient with them. Take time to understand their view of things and respond with compassion and helpfulness. In our society, the arrogance of the powerful towards the powerless, the educated toward the illiterate, the rich towards the poor, the higher classes towards those born in the lowly strata of society, the knowledgeable towards the ignorant is absolutely shocking. Be careful you do not subscribe to any activities or views which treat human beings as chattel, women as objects of contempt and children as hindrances to a carefree lifestyle. Stand up and give time generously for those who need your support. Sacrifice at least some of your wealth, time and concern for those who are not as blessed as you.


Indian tradition mentions six qualities as the arch-enemies of success and happiness. These are : Arrogance, greed, lust for sensual pleasures, anger, jealousy and attachment to indulgence. Even in your working life, you will find greater success and effectiveness if you control these fatal attractions.

While self-assurance and a noble style of living are necessary for every individual, arrogance is a negative quality. An arrogant person loses friends and suffers loneliness in the end. His family comes close to him for comfort and courage. He is abhorred by his subordinates and colleagues of his rudeness and combativeness.

Wanting legitimate benefits and the wish to satisfy one’s needs in life is natural. But o turn these needs into avarice or greed is dangerous. A greedy person cannot be ethical. He/she will do anything to get money or advantages which he/she has not earned. Greed has no end if you let it rule your life.

Lust, when uncontrolled, leads you on a sure path of destruction. It fritters away your creative energies and corrodes your soul. Though desire is a natural part of human existence, it must not become a disease.

Anger, when misused, is the worst enemy of mankind. In today’s frenetic lifestyle, one sees the expression at every turn of life. Anger creates confusion; it could reason; it takes away your ability to discern between right and wrong; it destroys your ability to listen patiently and be just to all points of view. Anger is an expression of immaturity because it does not encourage you to do self-analysis and find the cause of your hurt or the cause of your anger. Often, your inner deprivation or insecurity makes you angry at the world and others in your environment become the targets of your impatience, rage or aggression. Anger and aggression cause oppression to those around you and isolate you in time. Needless to say, anger ruins your mental and physical health. However, anger against injustice, against misbehaviour or misconduct are natural for everyone.

Jealousy seems to be the flavour of the modern ager. Our media thrives on this quality among those who compete for social prominence, media presence, glamour, money, possessions and sex. While healthy competition is always with your own past performance. It is not good enough to be better that the next person. You have to be the best. Only the desire to do your very best and then to improve on yourself, can lead to success and happiness. Indulgence leads you to sure depression. Becoming the slave of any habit to the extent that you are totally dependent on something or someone for everything in life is equivalent to a disease. While everything created by divinity is for your enjoyment, be sure to regulate your life so that the ‘joys’ of life do not lead you to misery!

Indian tradition also names the five senses, which, when allowed to rule your life, can lead you into trouble. These are sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell. When these demand pleasures beyond all reasonable limits, they become your enemies. When you use the five senses for your own physical, mental and spiritual development, you come nearer to your goals. But when the senses become your guideposts and make you their slaves by demanding more and more pleasures in life, then you are stepping on dangerous grounds. When you pamper the senses, you spend your entire life satisfying their demands. Their endless demands corrupt your discerning power. A person who holds his/her senses in control and makes them strong agents for growth in life, becomes successful and happy.


Generosity is also a purifying quality. It encourages you to share the bounty of life, which you have been blessed to receive. Generosity is not limited to giving money or things money can buy. It also includes giving encouraging words, support in difficult times, doing whatever is needed to alleviate the suffering of others; making the world a better place of everyone; helping the rejuvenation of nature and all living beings.

However, in day-to-day life, the way you can express your generosity is by avoiding hurtful language, by being courteous and kind in your communications and giving appreciation whenever it is deserved.

Indian tradition requires us to give food to the hungry, support to the needfy and opportunities to the deserving. Follow these principles as far as you can and you will find that you are doing charity truly to yourself. Each time you give part of what you have earned by way of money, comfort, sustenance, knowledge and courage, you multiply your own wealth – both terrestrial and spiritual. Giving is a holy act, which originates in the divine. Divinity gives your all blessings free, without you making any effort or contribution to earn them. When you have received so much from divinity, nature, people and the environment around you, it is your duty to return whatever you can back to life. The famous Dhauli rock edict of Emperor Ashoka, whom historians describes as ‘one of the greatest men to ever have walked on this earth’, spells out a simple four way path to moksha.

This pat lists the following four rules for achieving salvation:
1. Respect all life. Be kind to birds and animals. Nurthure them because they have an equal right to inhabit the earth as you.
2. Respect seekers of knowledge because they are collecting rich heritage for you. Nurture them because they are the fonts of wisdom.
3. Care for and nurture your elders because they have worked hard to make your life fulfilling and rich.
4. Give back to nature what you have taken from it so that it can continue to give to future generations.

This famous edict was created after Emperor Ashok regretted the abominable bloodshed which he caused in the Kalinga war in 236 BC and accepted Buddhism as his creed. The edict stands in Dhauli near Bhubaneshwar, Orissa. It is truly secular in spirit and gives us a simple way of living a successful and happy life. The Dhauli edict is one of over thirty surviving rock inscriptions left behind by Ashoka and all of them decree that peace and non-violence are the everlasting strategies for a king who wishes to bring the best to his subjects. As history has proved, Emperor Ashoka changed the very face of Buddhism by making it a worldwide religion from a local cult in Eastern India. Ashoka’s rock edicts are spread all over India and are a great archeological heritage of the nation today.


A man or woman who wants success and happiness is on a relentless search for knowledge. Nothing is unimportant for him/her. Knowledge increases your understanding of the world and its ways. It brings your arrogance and self-importance into control. Many professionals these days believe that knowledge of one’s own work or general knowledge about the world around is enough to live a fruitful life. While this is so for an ordinary person, the extraordinary person seeks to rise above the mundane levels of knowledge and consistently adds his observation, his perception and his discerning power to his bank of awareness. He/she heightens his/her intuition, perception and tuning with every source of knowledge so that his/her mind is a rich tuning with every source of knowledge so that his/her mind is a rich treasure of superfine nuances of all kinds of knowledge. Knowledge is not to be used for earning money or for leading your everyday life well. It is a treasure of gems for lifelong enjoyment. It is the best company, which never fails to entertain and enrich you. It is your companion as long as you live. It is the only treasure, which grows with you and pays you rich dividends.

A knowledge seeker discards his/her ego; he/she enjoys contentment of a rare kind; he/she approaches truth as the ultimate goal.


A pure hearted person radiates luster, which is perceivable to all. His/her skin shines with a rare luminescence and there is a smile on his/her face. When you come into contact with such a person, you automatically brighten up because the aura of the person energises you. A beautiful scene in the film Siddharth made by Conrad Rooks – starring Shashi Kapoor and Simi Garewal – describes how you can achieve purity of heart. In this film, the Buddhist monk, who has earlier been in love with the beautiful courtesan, visits her on here deathbed. When she sees his shining face, she asks him how he could accept the pain of life and still remain pure and unsullied. His reply is: “When you work hard on your own character, you develop a beautiful sanctuary within the core of your heart. Whenever the affairs of the world becomes too much for you, you retire for a while to your wondrous sanctuary of illumination to refresh yourself and come back to face thw world and its myriad, wayward ways, some of which you do not even understand fully.”
This dialogue states an eternal truth. The pure of heart create a sanctuary of beauty in the core of their beings and it becomes their secret, magical world, where they can recreate their energies and reinvent themselves. They remain pure in the face of all exigencies of life.


1. Give up alcohol and smoking as far as possible. Don’t let these habits take control of your life.
2. Eat right by balancing your food intake and choose the right varieties of food to suit your lifestyle. Drink lots of water. When in doubt, consult your doctor or a dietician
3. Work in an orgainsed manner and divide time between your career, family and leisure to lead a full life.
4. Find some time to indulge yourself now and then. Exercise and meditate with joy.
5. Write down your best thoughts and dreams regularly. You can begin to live them when they are in front of you every day.
6. Be positive and see the better side of things of that your spirits do not droop often. Depression is a disease of the modern world. Keep away from it by being active and happy.
7. Don’t allow others to use you without your consent or at least be aware when people use you. Do not feel ‘use’ and lose energy in negative thinking.
8. Check your health and look after minor ailments before hey become big-plan an energy diet.
9. Be everybody’s well-wisher- this frees you from tension and fatigue. Forgive everybody their trespasses so that you are free to walk on to your goals.
10. Learn one new skill every year and see the magic in your life.
11. Audit your life every three year and check where you can improve your performance.
12. Make new friends who add luster to your life.
13. Avoid habits that destroy relationships.
14. Accept that you cannot always be ‘right’.
15. Do not let resentment and anger rule your life.
16. Do not act like a faultfinding mission.
17. Express regret when you have made a mistake or hurt someone.
18. Don’t radiate worry and fear.
19. Don’t be intolerant of other religions, cultures, ways of thinking and lifestyles. Accept the good and learn from all of the.
20. Do not see yourself as a victim of circumstances or people. Change your perception of yourself. Believe that you are going to be a winner.
21. Do not carry stories about people enjoy gossip.
22. Cut out the habit of lying
23. Cut out your feeling of inadequacy and build your confidence brick by brick.
24. Think rich and discard the notion of poverty. Most people feel ‘poorer’ that they really are. This is because they always compare themselves with others and feel deprived of the ‘goodies’ of life. Create your own happiness and security from what you have and own. Work hard to achieve more if you desire more – this is the key to a contented life.


Remember these ten qualities work together as a combination to create success and happiness. These qualities together give a definite advantage to successful people over others because they are constantly learning and seeking solutions. They build strong personal relationships. They accept the right advice when given by a well-wisher. They have a reservoir of goodwill for the world at large. Interestingly, these are not inherited qualities. They can be cultivated by any one determined to be successful and happy!
1. Hard work : People who constantly pursue success, work hard for the laurels they win
2. Curiosity: They constantly ask questions. They are not scared to seek knowledge and to renew their understanding of the world around them. They reinvent lives by applying the knowledge they have gained from whatever source, however humble. Success is not only about gaining knowledge; it is about shifting the knowledge gained, refining it and using it in ever-new ways to improve one’s life.
3. Successful people are ‘people based’. They make friends easily and are able to give generously of themselves to their friends. They know innumerable people and are able to remember them with warmth and kindness. They are inveterate listeners and can patiently listen not only to scholars, but also to waiters in restaurants or children in playground. Their interest knows no boundaries of age, place, education or financial status. They make gentleness and courtesy an inherent part of their nature.
4. Successful people create their aura over a period of time. They are not mushrooms which spring up with the first rain and die out with the last shower. They are survivors and bend around problems to come up winners. They do not become arrogant like the ‘mushrooms of success’ because they work for every step of their success. They work to enrich their management skills, leadership qualities, and relationship inputs. They work on details which are not noticed by others. They are determined to do better with the next opportunity when they fail in an endeavor. Successful people never quit – they correct all flaws in themselves and walk ahead with more confidence.
5. Successful people question the givens. They push the envelope that much further to achieve greater heights in whatever they choose to do. They questions traditions, customs, mindsets, rules and regulations and treat the chinks in the armour of society as opportunities and challenges. They constantly meditate on new ideas and accept others contribution to their thinking processes. They are always seeking improvement, solutions, and speed in action. They are creative beyond measure.
6. Successful people are not scared to accept blame for a failure. They do not whine and cry and plant the guilt on someone else. They decide to improve and move on. They are self-reliant and are willing to take the initiative in all activities. They always accept responsibility for their actions.
7. Successful people master the art of relaxing in the midst of stressful situations. They know the balance between hectic serious task and have immense patience with their work and with people. They develop the ability to make good decisions even whey they are under tremendous pressure. They can keep a right perspective of things in trying times.
8. ‘Just now’ is the mantra of successful people’s lifestyles. They control the present with energy and purpose. They look everyone straight in the eye because they expect hard work from others visibly in hurry. They can play with energy and work with concentration. They can adapt to any circumstances because they live in the present moment.
9. When trends change and offer opportunities, successful people are the first ones to arrive on the scene. They put their ears to the ground and sense the coming of events, which others can barely perceive. They always have their eyes trained to see beyond the horizon into the future.
10. Successful people respond instantly. They take money decisions, investment opportunities and business responsibilities instantly. They reply to letters or messages quickly and call back all important and meaningful callers immediately. Their responses are positive and energizing. They respond to the technological changes and financial adjustment quickly.


Keep these nine traditional secret subjects of your conversation with all people except your very close family and friends.

1. Age: Never discuss anyone’s age in public, nor divulge your age unless required by law or occasion.
2. Wealth or earning: never ask anyone how much they earn or possess in terms of wealth and property. So also, do not crib about or boast about your earning or wealth.
3. Never discuss anyone’s family problems publicly even though you happen to know them. Keep your family problems to yourself or discuss them with counselors or close friends only. Advertising the holes in your family fabric can make you a laughing stock in your community. Worse still, your detractors may use the knowledge to insult you or ridicule you at the wrong place or time.
4. Keep your intimate relationship with your spouse/partner out of common discussion unless you wish to invite trouble. Discuss it only with a counselor or within your family if they have goodwill and support for you. Do not discuss someone else’s marital problems in an open forum.
5. Keep your health problems to yourself except when you are with your doctor. Do not discuss the medicines you are prescribed or invite advice on how to deal with your illness, similarly, do not discuss anyone else’s disease or ailment threadbare till the patient is embarrassed.
6. Keep your spiritual pursuits close to your heart. What your guru teaches you, what mantra you chant or what religious practices you observe are no concern of anyone other than yourself and your family. Do not criticize others for their faith or different way of practicing religion or culture.
7. Do not boast about the honours you have won, the adulation you have received from the media or people around you.
8. Do not show your anguish about insults and hurts you have suffered in the presence of people other than your trusted ones. You will invite curiosity about your angst and give onlookers a chance to feel good at your downfall.
9. Never reveal others confidence given to you in good faith.


Here are a few suggestions to add a zing to your life:
1. Learn one new skill every year: Learning new skills, howsoever unimportant they are, brings added confidence. Learn to speak a new language; learn an art like glass painting; cooking special dishes; computer games; public speaking; a course in script writing; a workshop in knowing flowering trees. This will also bring new and like-minded people into your life. Sharing interests with no eye on money or competition is a wonderful part of our lives. Don’s miss out on it!
2. Make new friends who add excitement to your life: Be open to new friendships. When you go to the gym for your workouts, for walks in the gardens, on tours or trips for work or leisure, try to meet new people with different lifestyles and different views. Enrich your knowledge of your own country and other countries by conversing with as many people as you can on a one to one basis, without a sense of superiority or inferiority. Accept that even the humblest of people can add to your knowledge. Even tribal people who live in jungles have and uncanny knowledge of nature by which they can predict rainfall or migration of animals and birds.
3. Audit your life every three years and improve your performance. Your dream diary is a valuable document for you to check how far you have succeeded in realizing your wishes. Change the diary to be somewhat realizing your wishes. Change the diary to be somewhat realistic now and then and make your dreams achievable. Then get down to work and see that you tick as my dreams as possible by turning them into reality.
4. Add variety to your work by using all your skills. Variety is the spice of life, as the old proverb says. Doing different kinds of work – some for fun, some for money and some for the general good – keeps you in good spirits and rejuvenates your energy. Try to accomplish more that one goal while doing one activity. For example, while on you routine walk in the gardens, notice flowers, colours and learn about the seasons in which different flowers grow with their botanical and common names. You will be surprised when a desire to visit a nursery takes root in your mind, adding one more joyous interest to your life.
5. Widen your horizon through new experiences and breaking useless barriers. Break all moldy, obscurantist rules and regulations, which bind you to a meaningless pattern of behaviour. Never lose your dignity, correct values or ethics. But in our ancient traditions, there are many blind superstitions, outdated social mores and mindsets that need to be thrown out of the window for a freer, more global way of thinking. Expand your views with your own and other’s experience. Use the knowledge to enrich your mind. Break old myths and replace them with modern, ambitious thinking, which brings progress and happiness.
6. Include as much traveling in your life as possible. Seeing new places and meeting different kinds of people gives you new glimpses of life into new cultures and exciting concepts of life. Absorb as many new sights and sounds as you can to add work or leisure- a learning experience. If there is a historical or cultural or pilgrimage center near your city of business where you go on an official tour, take some time out to see it and learn its place in your culture or knowledge. Soon, you will find that you are a well-travelled and knowledgeable person!
7. Create new hobbies for yourself. Gardening, nature watching, painting, music, dancing, writing – and many more skills bring you into contact with experts or enthusiastic people who are willing to share their expertise and happiness. Hobbies add fun to your solitary hours. Prepare for your solitude by learning to enjoy activities by yourself.
8. Meditate regularly for joy. Learn to enjoy silence and solitude. Soon, you will begin to seek these beautiful activities because they help you to achieve success and happiness.


One of India’s most successful second-generation business tycoons, Narayana Murthy, chairman of Infosys says, “Progress is often equal to the difference between mind and mindset”. Because our culture is so ancient and rich, it brings us the heritage of a vast pool of data, beliefs, mindsets and ‘givens’, which means we read the meaning, we want into many words and actions. For example, even in the modern era, millions of Indian considers women as second class compared to men. Lakhs of female fetuses are killed every year, creating a scary situation for population experts in our country. As corollary of the second-class status of women, our society believes in depriving women of education, opportunity and equal status in matters of inheritance and wealth creation. Blind superstitions dog our footsteps at every turn of events. We believe that religion sanctions many meaningless rituals. We are governed by social regulations of caste and creed, which have become lost all relevance to modern life. Men often believe that holding on to their ego and strutting around with a false sense of authority is ‘manly’. They also believe that conquest over women comes through sexual aggression and oppression. Women believe themselves to be ‘incomplete’ without men to call their own. Women also suffer when they remain unmarried or childless by choice or circumstances. A whole lot of beliefs and customs govern our lives and worse still, regulate or bind them. Many of these strangle our growth and progress. Therefore when you choose your own lifestyle, be prepared to use your mind for sifting out outdated customs and traditions, which prevent you from taking your life forward. Break all rules that strangle and limit you. Get rid of the nonsense in your life and open the windows of your mind to let in fresh breezes of new ideas, new solutions.

Do not believe what others say about you. Exercise the right to define yourself. Forget the “What will people say?” syndrome and venture out to find your dream without fear or favour. It is your right to achieve the goals you set for yourself as long as they are not unethical or hurtful to your nation, community, family or yourself.

A closed mind is the worst enemy of good sense.


Wise people say that making money is easy. But looking after it and making it work for you is truly difficult. This statement can be applied to all people who aspire for success today than ever before. The frenetic pace of life today can be compared with a rushing torrent of water. There is no stopping and resting in the modern system of working. Young people rush from home to workplace and come back home after nearly fourteen to sixteen hours competing with their colleagues, trying to show results in their work and trying to reach a higher rung of their career ladder. There is little time to stop and think of how to plan your earning and how to organize your savings. However, it is important while making money, to simultaneously master the skill of managing it and multiplying it to serve your future needs. It is important to remember that working frantically to earn more money is as important as making your earnings and savings work for you by procuring for you the lifestyle you desire to achieve, now and in the future.

Our business in life is not to get ahead of others but to get ahead of ourselves – to break our own records, to outstrip our yesterdays by our today, to do our work with more force than ever before.


Very often, the best-made plans fall by the wayside because actions elated to them are taken at the wrong time or are done incorrectly. Success and happiness result when every plan you make is unfolded in a systematic manner:
1. See that you work in the right place to achieve a goal. Working in a crowded, dusty, smelly or unhygienic environment cannot lead to comfort and success.
2. Work with the right people. If your colleagues are grumpy, angry, obstinate and non-cooperative, your goals cannot be achieved without an unnecessary struggle, which is a waste of time.
3. Present your work plant to your family, teachers or boss at a time, which seems right. Go by your instincts and sense if the time is ripe to divulge your goals or expectations from them. Your listeners and empathizers should be relaxed and have the time to focus on your words.
4. The person with whom you are conversing should be comfortable with the subject you are discussing. If your explanations or statements do not interest the listener or are way beyond his/her comprehension, you are wasting your time. Be sure to address the right person to hear or comment upon the right subject of discussion or debate.
5. When you speak to or address a person, be aware that you do this in the right manner. Courtesy, humility and confidence in your presentation of thoughts, words and actions is important for success.


“TO do’ lists are the secret ladders to achieving dreams. Make it a practice to write everything you want in life – including simple things like seeing a movie or an art exhibition. Include also the big things like buying a house, planting trees, growing plants or flowers, baking cakes or pastries or an excellent meal for your family. Include some unusual travel plan, adventures like trekking or sea voyages, sitting by the edge of a lake and just relaxing – anything at all. You will be amazed how you begin to fulfill most of your dreams. Do not delete any item from your dream list till you have achieved and realized the dream. Look at the list every day with a quiet smile and remember to drive all your activities towards realizing them one by one. When you have achieved each one of them, circle it with pink for love and shower love on the dream that you have created – such as a home, a tress, a plant, an outfit or a holiday. Loving your dreams gives your personality a rare quality of radiance. Dreams add color and energy to your life and make it a wonderful experience.


Great thinkers and seers of the world have repeatedly said that only living a life full of love can result in success and happiness. This is a recipe that has been tried and tested several times over by countless numbers of people through the past millennia and success has always crowned those who consider love as the foundation of life. When you love life or the world in general, you acquire these qualities:
1. You find it easy to forgive many misdeeds and acquire the ability to walk ahead rejoicing. Small obstacles, hurts, insults and acts of misbehaviour from people to not remain embedded in your mind for long. You do not harbour ill will or feelings of revenge against them. By practicing the path of love, your mind remains clean like a shining mirror and reflects the best that life offers.
2. You are a more compassionate person. Compassion is not to be mistaken with pity. Feeling pity for a person is equivalent to being patronizing and feeling superior. When you feel compassion, you are one with the suffering of the person at least for a short time. You stand in his/her place and experience the pain of the ‘other’. You understand the viewpoint of the ‘other’. Your are able to help in wherever way possible and to create self confidence in the ‘other’ to overcome his/her misfortune by your words and deeds.
3. When you love something or someone you work hard for the comfort or success of that concept or person. For example, if you love your motherland you will see that no action of yours maligns the name of your country. If you love your parents, you will respect them and comfort them whenever necessary. If you love your spouse and children, you will work hard to provide comfort and generate happiness for them. Most of all, if you love life, you will smile and generate a beautiful sense of security and happiness around you, wherever you are.
4. Love creates enthusiasm. When the negatives in your nature are washed away by love, your spirit is free to soar high. The very desire to rise from mundane circumstances generates energy which makes your life more full of activity and fun. Enthusiasm for things you want to do make your actions enjoyable and extraordinary.
5. When you love people, co-operation becomes a way of life. You empathise with everyone’s goals and needs and accommodate their goals within your own. You aim at achieving common goals, which pool in energy and strength when they are achieved. Sharing goals also leads to the enrichment friendships and relationships.


A random quotation found scribbled on many public spaces says: Work as if you don’t need the money! This is the essence of putting passion and being creative in your work. Even a mundane, routine job can become enjoyable if you add spice to it by trying to do it in different ways. Passion comes when you give your work a larger perspective and purpose. Energy comes when you include more people in your goals and work jointly towards achieving your aims. Every jobs offers opportunities to be creative.

The world has two kinds of people: The performers and the watchers. Those who perform take the lead and set trends. Those who watch, work at mundane, dreary jobs without an iota of excitement in their work. The former kind of people work not only to earn money but also to bring an edge of passion and excitement into their lives. The latter sit with their eyes popping, enviously watching those who seem to lead rich, wonder-filled lives.

For instance, in every profession, there are plodders who walk with bent backs till they retire. They fall prey to the exigencies of old age. But there are those few who look of innovations, develop people-management skills and bring a sense of creativity to their work. They stand heads above their colleagues. You can observe this phenomenon in society in day-do-day life. Some doctors are famous not only for their surgical or medial skills but also for the pioneering research or techniques they develop. Most lawyers do routine work and return home to hand their black coats till the court opens next day. The outstanding ones challenge obscurantist laws and help investigations to bring out the truth in the cases they handle. Some architects are happy to build box-style residences and pocket the money. But there are a few who look at buildings as works of art and put in their best to create memorable edifices. Some even choose to become specialists in conservation architecture to show how heritage buildings and sites can be resurrected to provide a glimpse of our past. Some journalists and media persons do their standard news reports or features and spend the rest of their time in the ‘enjoy’ mode. Others are remembered because they support a cause and prove that media is a profession through which they can help the nation to progress and society to become more equitable.

Many people work for NGOs and support causes like environment, elders and their rights, women and their welfare, animal rights, forest conservation, water harvesting, adventure sports or spiritual pursuits – all such activities help to give a direction to your life. Rather that just work for money to run your life, try working with passion for a cause you like. This will drive you to a higher sense of achievement and happiness.

Knowing is not enough; we must apply the knowledge, Willing is not enough; we must do.


Success and happiness often come to people whose lives are organized in the best possible manner. They almost always have enough time, money and resources to make their lives a worthwhile experience. Administrative skills, which help in saving time and adding a zing to your life are:
1. Keeping most things in their appointed place so that valuable time is not lost in searching for books, papers, documents and precious possessions. Keeping updated lists of your important papers and possessions, which are your assets. Keeping the documents of your property handy and safe.
2. Paying all taxes and outgoings on time. Remember, a clean conscience is the best pillow in the world.
3. Keeping a constant track of your assets and seeing that they are enriching your life or enhancing your wealth.
4. Keeping your team of workers inspired to do their best.
5. Making time for acquiring new skills, new knowledge. Acquire superior knowledge and set an example.
6. Keeping in touch and staying connected with your family, friends and colleagues.
7. Making sure that your life is rich with not only money, but also by travel, music, dance, art, books and enduring friendships.
8. Making sure your loans, if any, are on track.
9. Looking for new kind s of opportunities in work to add energy to your work goals. Opening new windows of skills and knowledge.
10. Creating the best ‘plans of action’ for every activity so that each assignment – personal or professional – is done in the best and most effective way.
11. Set aside time for creative breaks, which rejuvenate your spirit and energy
12. Lead a disciplined life of hard work so that you an inspire others to do the same.


SUCCESSFUL people never say the words: “I have no time” or “I am exhausted” when it comes to doing worthwhile work or inculcating good ideas. They somehow make time for everything they want to do or have to do. Watch how women who have achieved their career and family-life goals, set examples in managing time, Great musicians, scholars and researchers wake up before dawn to get to their work of mastering knowledge and remain as fresh as dew through out the day despite their punishing schedule of activity. Learn the art of getting things done without feeling tired. Overcome your impatience and inclination to lose your temper when things don’t work your way. Tiredness and fatigue comes from negative feelings of disappointment, frustration and anger rather than physical exertion. It is not working long hours that take the toll of your health, but the attitude with which you work. Try to include variety in the activities you engage in every day. Whenever you find your attention wandering from the tasks you are doing, get away and try to do something else for a while. Then come back to your earlier activity with a fresh mind. Drink lots of water to keep cool while you work and crate a cool environment around yourself-with plants, flowers and other attractive accessories which you like – to inspire you to work with joy. Remove all clutter of thoughts and thing around your work area. As a preference, and increasingly when you are able, choose the work you love or at lease like doing, so that nothing seems ‘drudgery’ in your work. Thinking that work is ‘monotonous’, ‘boring’ or ‘full of drudgery’ creates mental exhaustion and physical pain.

A beautiful ‘manta’ given to me by a friend said this: Look at one step at a time. Negotiate work step by step to accomplish it well. Do not look at or worry about the vast amount of activity stretching in front of you. That very thought will tire you even before you start your work. Think how you will tire you even before you start your work. Think how you will relax and enjoy yourself when your work is done. Better still, acquire the habit of thinking of your work as your relaxation and you will accomplish more in a shorter time. Make a list of all that you would like to do in a day and systematically tick off each item as you finish it. The very action of ticking off each item rejuvenates your mind and body. Take short relaxing breaks to reduce the monotony or stress of work. Lie down for a few minutes, listen to music or talk to a friend briefly to rejuvenate yourself.

Medical science says that small children have limitless energy because they do not think of any activity as boring. They neither think of yesterday not of tomorrow. They are eternally curious, playful and innocent in their approach to life. They are constantly on a voyage of discovery. Emulate them to conserve your energy and do not let negative words like ‘tiredness’ have you in their clutches. Remember that energy is a very stretchable concept. The more you use it, the more it recreates itself. Of course, to work with focus and a relaxed frame of mine, to use time as priceless gift of time is possible only when you have taken every precaution to ensure that you are in good health. Health of the body and the spirit is what you have to achieve to make your twenty-four-hour day stretch into a forty-eight hour journey of success and happiness.

Make time for everything you want to do. Save segments or nuggets of time by paying bills on time, doing routine or mundane work ahead of time, keeping records in an organized manner, meeting deadlines most of the time, investing in goodwill and encouragement for assistants to earn their support so that your time is saved and by deleting un-necessary, meaningless activities from your workaday. Add systems to your work and leisure wherever possible. Build spare time brick by brick till you have enough to introduce a new activity you like into your life. Treat time as a precious gift – just like money. And as you save money by small amounts at a time, save time and bank it to create a wealth, which you can use as you need. Develop the art of doing several tasks simultaneously by compartmentalizing you mind and energies for each one. Do not let tension become a block in your path to multi-tasking.

Most of all, be patient with yourself and do not look at back-breaking work as punishment. Remember, you’re human and entirely fallible!


SUCCESSFUL people never say the words: “I have no time” or “I am exhausted” when it comes to doing worthwhile work or inculcating good ideas. They somehow make time for everything they want to do or have to do. Watch how women who have achieved their career and family-life goals, set examples in managing time, Great musicians, scholars and researchers wake up before dawn to get to their work of mastering knowledge and remain as fresh as dew through out the day despite their punishing schedule of activity. Learn the art of getting things done without feeling tired. Overcome your impatience and inclination to lose your temper when things don’t work your way. Tiredness and fatigue comes from negative feelings of disappointment, frustration and anger rather than physical exertion. It is not working long hours that take the toll of your health, but the attitude with which you work. Try to include variety in the activities you engage in every day. Whenever you find your attention wandering from the tasks you are doing, get away and try to do something else for a while. Then come back to your earlier activity with a fresh mind. Drink lots of water to keep cool while you work and crate a cool environment around yourself-with plants, flowers and other attractive accessories which you like – to inspire you to work with joy. Remove all clutter of thoughts and thing around your work area. As a preference, and increasingly when you are able, choose the work you love or at lease like doing, so that nothing seems ‘drudgery’ in your work. Thinking that work is ‘monotonous’, ‘boring’ or ‘full of drudgery’ creates mental exhaustion and physical pain.

A beautiful ‘manta’ given to me by a friend said this: Look at one step at a time. Negotiate work step by step to accomplish it well. Do not look at or worry about the vast amount of activity stretching in front of you. That very thought will tire you even before you start your work. Think how you will tire you even before you start your work. Think how you will relax and enjoy yourself when your work is done. Better still, acquire the habit of thinking of your work as your relaxation and you will accomplish more in a shorter time. Make a list of all that you would like to do in a day and systematically tick off each item as you finish it. The very action of ticking off each item rejuvenates your mind and body. Take short relaxing breaks to reduce the monotony or stress of work. Lie down for a few minutes, listen to music or talk to a friend briefly to rejuvenate yourself.

Medical science says that small children have limitless energy because they do not think of any activity as boring. They neither think of yesterday not of tomorrow. They are eternally curious, playful and innocent in their approach to life. They are constantly on a voyage of discovery. Emulate them to conserve your energy and do not let negative words like ‘tiredness’ have you in their clutches. Remember that energy is a very stretchable concept. The more you use it, the more it recreates itself. Of course, to work with focus and a relaxed frame of mine, to use time as priceless gift of time is possible only when you have taken every precaution to ensure that you are in good health. Health of the body and the spirit is what you have to achieve to make your twenty-four-hour day stretch into a forty-eight hour journey of success and happiness.

Make time for everything you want to do. Save segments or nuggets of time by paying bills on time, doing routine or mundane work ahead of time, keeping records in an organized manner, meeting deadlines most of the time, investing in goodwill and encouragement for assistants to earn their support so that your time is saved and by deleting un-necessary, meaningless activities from your workaday. Add systems to your work and leisure wherever possible. Build spare time brick by brick till you have enough to introduce a new activity you like into your life. Treat time as a precious gift – just like money. And as you save money by small amounts at a time, save time and bank it to create a wealth, which you can use as you need. Develop the art of doing several tasks simultaneously by compartmentalizing you mind and energies for each one. Do not let tension become a block in your path to multi-tasking.

Most of all, be patient with yourself and do not look at back-breaking work as punishment. Remember, you’re human and entirely fallible!


TO be meaningful, communication has to have three qualities. It must be clear, concise and its continuity must be evident to all. Confusion of ideas, intents, thoughts and words leads to misunderstandings, and loss of energy. Communication must be non-combative and non-patronizing to be effective. It must be attractive and its content must be soothing to the listener. We live in an upfront, aggressive society, where a ‘winner’ is advised to be demanding, assertive and clear in stating what he/she wants. While this is so today, it is important that you dress your ideas in words which are persuasive rather than commanding. An old proverb says: “If you cannot afford sugar, can’t you use sugar language?” This does not mean that you should pretend to be friendly or patient when you have little time or interest in what the other person is saying or proposing. It only means that under the given circumstance, you should find the best way to communicate your feelings or thoughts to the person conversing or networking with you.
Further, in today’s media-dominated, globalised world, it is important to learn the language of communication well. If you hear popular orators, speakers or conference debate leaders, you will immediately realize that their skill in using correct words, phrases and content are what makes them masters of their subjects. In communication your ideas, it is important to master the subject, choose the right language and achieve crystal clarity of expression. Language is a tool for communication and conversation. The way you speak or write tells people a great deal about you. Learn the language of your communication with passion and keep abreast of the current style of expression. Write letters, presentations and reports after proper homework and with a focused mind. Prepare your talks, speeches well and pepper them with interesting examples to drive home your points. Learn as many languages as possible because India is a land of diverse cultures and regional languages. Knowing as many as possible out of these, as well as at least one foreign language other than English – which is taught in most Indian schools – is useful in enhancing your career and your personality.

In communicating your ideas, presentation is very important. This needs rehearsal in the mind or in action as needed, preparation with all possible facts and figures and a master plan on how to present these in a clear manner. Exchanging information is the kernel of communication and this must be imbued with dynamism at all times. Presentation of ideas must exude energy, vision and be stamped with your specific personal style to be memorable. Remember, through your ideas, you are presenting your thinking to the outside world Your listeners must feel an urgent desire to experiment with your ideas because they tweak their imagination and creativity.

Communicating with compassion and understanding with friends and family is also an important aspect of success and happiness. In spite of the endless stress of your working life, find time to talk to your friends, to keep in touch and share moments of connecting with them. Similarly, whatever your workplace or career demands, be sure to find time for your spouse, children, parents and family. Just as watering a plat regularly keeps it alive and encourages it to flower, relationships flourish and grow stronger with regular and happy communication. Friendships that are built on a foundation of love and trust last for a lifetime and are a great source of joy and pride. So are strong family bonds. Never underestimate the power of friendship and family support. In your worst downhearted times, these will help you to rebuild your life and reinvent your path towards success and happiness.

Wednesday 1 July 2009


WHEN you expect others to behave in any particular manner, be sure to set an example by sticking to the rules yourself. An irresponsible attitude can never bring you loyalty and devotion from your subordinates. Set an example to your children by working hard at your goals, by being a caring and nurturing apparent and support their legitimate desires. By cultivating leadership qualities in yourself, you will make more money and pave your path to lasting happiness. A leader’s qualities are: fearlessness, courage to stand up of his principles and beliefs, caring for the welfare of his subordinates, creating the desire for excellence in them, admitting his/her own mistakes and leaving room for the fallibility of others. He/she knows that one can improve only when one admits one’s mistakes and decides to correct them. A leader does not define excellence as being ‘better than the next man/woman’. He/she believes in doing the best and then improving upon the best by making further efforts. He/she is relentless in his/her efforts to improve past performance and inspires all around him/her to do the same.

The Bhagvad Geeta eloquently describes a leader as a person “who is devoted to his/her own duty, a person who works hard to attain perfection. He/she is the true yogi, who does what he/she ought to do by listening to his conscience”.


WE inherit many resources by birth. We are born to parents we do not choose, with ready made families. We get a ready made nation of our birth. We are also born in a city, town or village which becomes our birthplace. We are born to a religion and culture. Sometimes, we inherit homes and money earned by our forefathers. These are our inherited resources. The financial status, education, social standing and culture of our birth family is also our inheritance.

But there are a larger number of resources that we create from our own observation, travel, work and experience throughout our lives. We choose our education – or should do. We choose our profession and design our careers. We choose our friends and acquaintances. We choose the events which influence our lives profoundly. We choose our political and social leanings. We choose the place we want to live in and most important, we choose how to practice our religion, how to earn and spend our money, whom to marry and how many children we should have. We also choose our behavior patterns, the kind of culture which prevails in our homes, the language we prefer to speak and how we would like to express ourselves before different people.
The degree of success and happiness you achievement in life often depends upon how you use these inherited and acquired resources. Misuse of resources invariable leads to sorrow unhappiness and often, loss of things which are precious in our lives. Further, correct use of resources has acquired great importance in today’s age of fundamentalism, violence, rank materialism, lack of social responsibility, rampant greed and disregard for environment. Look around and you will find that instead of using one’s religion for self-realization, most people use its sacred spaces for condemning others, for using violence to prove the superiority of one religion over others, for promoting criminal activities and worst of all, for political mileage. Religion – the word itself – mans rejoining with the supreme divinity. If this is the meaning, can there be any place for violence and self-aggrandizement in religion? Money is the next resource we commonly use. When you use it to showoff your status and belittle others, or to assume that you are entitled to be arrogant and unkind to people around you because of your wealth, or to acquire destructive habits like alcoholism, tobacco smoking or chewing, over indulgence in sex, sexual exploitation of women, gambling etc. you are certainly misusing your money. Money is meant for creating a happy lifestyle which includes devotion, richness, love and compassion, combined with security for yourself and your dependents. Your wealth should spread the message of security around you, not of fear and instability. Wealth is not a weapon to be used against anyone. It is the balm which soothes genuine wants of people. When properly used, it can be translated into prosperity and plentitude around you – in you country, community and your community. The definition of prosperity has been defined in Indian culture in the most wonderful manner in the following traditional prayer:
Kale Varshatu Parjanyah, prithivi Sasya Shalini,
Deshoyam Kshobah Rahito, Dnyaniah Santu Nirbhayah
Andhanah Sadhanah Santu, Jeevantu Shardama Shatam
Aputrah Putrinah Santu, Putrinah Santu Poutrinah
Swamin, Sarve Janah Sukhino Bhavantu
Roughly translated to suit modern times, this prayer means:
May the rains come on time. May the earth bend with rich harvests, may my country be free of disease and scourge. May the learned and wise be fearless. May the poor become rich. May everyone live a hundred autumns. May hose who have no children, have progeny. May those who have progeny become grandparents. Lord, may all people be happy and contented.

Culture is the next victim of our greed. Defining culture, the Dalai Lama once said that human societies make the worst mistake by confusing culture with religion. One has nothing to do with the other. “Even birds and animals have a culture,” he said, “they do not grab each other’s nests. Nor do they sexually harass their females or ill-treat their little ones. They abide by the law of the jungle and respect their environment. Human beings can learn from them.” Your culture decides how you will perceive the world and how the world will look at you. Ti defines how you will treat other people and how you will build your relationships. It says what kind of a host you are and what variety of guest you will be. Culture decides what kind of a seeker you will be and what you will seek. Culture, when determined by the yardstick of self –improvement, will earn for you limitless happiness and contentment.

Relationships within your family and in society are the next resource. When you enrich your family life with love, caring, nurturing and constant efforts, you enrich your own life. Your happiness and success grows in direct proportion to how you treat your parents, siblings, spouse, children, extended family, guests, colleagues and people you meet during the course of your work or leisure. The way you decorate your home, the way you offer hospitality – all these indicate your culture and your prosperity. You have every right to avoid people who set you back on your path to progress but take care that you do not abuse them or hate them forever.

Health is the most important resource. It is vital that you take care of your body and mind being aware of your health at all times, Right food, right thoughts, right attitudes – all these build the foundation on which your life is built. Similarly, every resource must be respected for its place in your life and use to your best advantage.

A simple story illustrates this point: A man was suffering from fever as well as from a cut on his knee. When he visited his doctor he gave him a medicine for his fever and on ointment of his wound. When the man came home, he ate the ointment and applied the medicine on the wound! The result? Neither ailment was cured. Had he used the right remedy for the right ailment, he would have recovered from both very soon.


IN your journey towards the achievement of your goals, you will come across many people who offer you support education, experience and opportunities. Remember to respect and value their contribution to your life. First in the list of such people are your parents and family. The world’s leading psychologists say that people who have enriched their relationship with their parents are the most balanced individuals in the world. Those who carry lifelong chips on their shoulders about what their parents did to them or what they did not give them, often become dysfunctional people. Most parents do their best in the given circumstances to nurture, caring and support their offspring. But parents are human and are as fallible as anyone. They may not be able to fulfill all your dreams. But acknowledging whatever they have done for you is the first step to happy success. Next come your teachers –from school and college to your gurus in every skill you have developed. Respect their willingness to part with useful knowledge that has formed your personality. Treat those who look after you or your family – especially children – while you work and earn with special kindness. There are innumerable people to whom you owe a debt of gratefulness. From your employer, your colleagues, your employees, those who provide every kind of service for money or for friendship are the infrastructure’ or ‘trapeze net’ in your life. Remember to hold the helping hand that is offered to you in support or friendship and to offer support and friendship in return. In this world, ninety eight percent of people could not care if you are alive or dead. You are nobody to them. One percent of people is sensitive and may wring their hands in empathy when you fall and are hurt. Only the last one percent will offer you a hand to rise and walk again, to heal yourself and go on. Make the trust friends have shown in you. Appreciate your spouse’s co-operation and support in difficult times. Express your appreciation to all of these people both by word and deed.


WANTING more out of life is a natural urge. Today, opportunities come knocking on all doors almost every day. With the explosion in the media, the world has become a smaller globe than ever before and people are networking so fast that within a foreseeable future, there could be a ‘world culture’ which impacts the lives people in all countries. Naturally, with life opening a new window each day, you would want to participate in the buzz around and achieve your financial goals early in life. What people wanted to achieve at forty just a few decades ago, is now achievable at twenty-five or even less. Therefore, knowing the art of making and multiplying money is important today. Money, for most people, is of three kinds. A: Inherited, B: Self-earned and C: the interest earned through the investment of both A and B. The numbers of people who inherit large amounts of money or property are still in the minority in India. The huge upwardly mobile middle class depends upon self-earned wealth and its multiplication through a regular study of the money market.

There are some ground rules for managing money, which can help even the smallest earner.

1. Money is meant for creating a happy lifestyle. So do not save at the cost of necessities like food, education or health.
2. Remember wealth grows by bits and pieces. Even the world’s richest billionaires have a habit of saving wisely and respecting money. Learn about good investments and do not touch your savings as long as you are earning enough for your needs.
3. Be organized in handling your money. Track it regularly by keeping elementary accounts and check where you can cut down foolish expenditure. Keep your portfolio well recorded so that your wealth-accumulation rate can be checked at a glance.
4. Learn to spend wisely. But the best wherever you can afford it. Buy collectibles which will appreciate. Apart form you family’s and personal needs, you will need money to buy a home and to make it a delightful haven of joy for you and your family. Whenever you have dispensable funds, buy things, which give you happiness and sense of achievement. These could be paintings, jewellery, crystal, hi-end crockery, porcelain etc. Make sure that most of these are of a kind, which will appreciate with time or become heirlooms for your children.
5. Do not be tempted to borrow large sums of money to buy luxuries that you cannot afford or maintain. Keep track of your credit card expenses and your loan repayments. Be aware of the future and provide maintenance funds for everything you won. Unreasonable debt situations are a source of worry and unhappiness.
6. Be a regular saver. Money saved in money earned is a truism that applies to life even today. Every thousand you earn can earn you more money if you invest it wisely. Every billionaire in the world has said that his journey started by saving the smallest sum and earning interest on it. So wise expenditure and creative saving can multiply even a reasonable amount of money into good personal wealth over a period of time.
7. Use your earnings to reach milestone goals of your life. Money earned for fulfilling dreams brings not only success, but also happiness.
8. Don’t live with insatiable greed. Enjoy the possessions you acquire and the lifestyle you design for yourself form your earnings. The fact that an industrialist’s wife or a film star you read about in the society pages of a paper wears priceless solitaires is of no serious concern to you. What concerns you is that you are enjoying a small cluster of diamonds or gold ornaments which you have bought because you wanted them and made them specifically for your enjoyment. Never buy a white elephant you cannot afford. Aim at staying totally in control of your money and its management. Controlling money doesn’t mean only enhancing your income; it also means handling money cleverly.
9. Never let someone else control your money, not even your own children or spouse unless you are clear why you are doing so. Learn enough to manage your money and only let go of it when you write you will. Share the information about your savings and investments with your spouse if you are in a happy relationship with him/her. This applies to elders and women.
10. Plan lateral growth. List all your skills and translate the smallest of them into money. Multi-tasking is the order of the future. Look for opportunities to enhance your skills and earnings.
11. Aspiration and imagination form the key to earning more. Invest your money without pinching your pocket and track your money till you are satisfied that you are getting the best grown rate from it.

Goals of making money; Remember, all goals must be set for the good of all and not selfishly for yourself alone. Goals become more achievable when you invoke a co-operative spirit in the environment and people around. The co-operative spirit in the environment and people around. The jeejeebhoys, the Cowasji, Jehangirs, the jagannath Sunkersetts, the Premchund Roychands, the David Sasoons, the Tatas, the Birlas, the Ambanis and Godrejs like thusands of walthy people around the world, have built business empires and served innumerable social, educational and artistic causes through their funds and efforts. Working for your nation and your community, while earning your personal wealth brings success and happiness to you without doubt.

An interesting story illustrates this point well. A grandfather was in the habit of collecting the seeds of excellent quality mangoes he had eaten. At the end of the summer, he would wrap each seed lovingly with soil and put it in a flimsy cotton bag. When the first rains came, he would throw the seeds from the window of his car or bus as he traveled. Seeing him, his grandson asked him why we was planting seeds when he would never be able to eat the fruit. The grandfather answered, “I have eaten the fruits of trees planted by generations before me. I owe a debt to this land. This is my way of providing fruit for those who will come after me”.