Sunday 2 May 2010

Cultivate a lustrous personality by being active healthy and positive

Self esteem and relentless devotion to your goals are the fount of a lustrous personality. When your heart tells you that you have listened to its call and done what your conscience tell you, you are sure to be on the way to achieving a wonderful personality. Lustrous people achieve the impossible as history proves time and again. Adi Shankarcharya walked the length and breadth of Indian three times, marking the boundaries of the nation by setting up his powerful maths in the four corners of India (Badrinath in the north, Dwarka in the west, Sringeri in the south and jagannathpuri in the east). In his short life of thirty-two years, he regenerated the scattered spiritual energies of India and broutht all people together in a religion, which taught secularism, brotherhood and devotion to one divinity. He founded the Advaita philosophy which has hugely influenced even the theories of modern quantum physics. Raja Shivaji defeated the moghuls and fought with just a small army to establish his kingdom based on justice and truth despite his minimal resources. Vivekananda took his philosophy for humanity to the US in an age backward and heathen by the industrialized western nations and changed the mindset of many nations.

Lustre of personality is born of dedication to one’s purpose in life. It comes from taking one day at a time and doing your best in everything to do, never losing sight of your goal. Many people in modern India worship Lakshmi as the goddess of wealth. They not rue. According to Indian tradition, Lakshmi is luster. It is the gift of a person who has lived an exemplary life of love for his/her motherland, worked hard to make his/her wealth, developed all his/her life and achievements with everyone. Lakshmi is reflected in the countenance of a person who is joyful, aware of the beauty of nature, determined to strive for perfection and always thinks auspicious thoughts.

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