Sunday 2 May 2010

Make kindness a part of your personality

Kindness and compassion are the qualities of the strong of heart. Only those who know themselves, are confident and secure in their achievements can afford to be kind to others. Insecure people who are suspicious, full of envy, troubled by self-doubts and uncertain in self-confidence, are prone to being unkind and critical of others. Their lack of faith in themselves makes them harsh of tongue, mean in behaviour and grudging in their relationships. To star tith, therefore, you must work hard to cut out the negatives of life from your mind and build your self-esteem by all the hints given in the preceding pages. When you know your path to success and happiness and are determined to achieve your goals through consistent hard work and effort, you will find it easier to be kind and patient with people around you. Disturbances of negative feelings will not affect you when energies are directed towards your own aspirations. Therefore, making kindness an integral part of your lifestyle is desirable.

Study the lives of all great people in the past. They have always condemned evil acts and intentions rather than evil people. Because they believe that people can change and discard their evil nature when their egos are controlled.

However, it is important that you use your discerning abilities to regulate your kindness to avoid unnecessary suffering. You are not born to change the evil-doers beyond a reasonable point. Finally, you are responsible only for improving yourself.

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