Sunday 2 May 2010

Develop your persnal life by learning new skills, hobbies, friends, travel and patmimes

Here are a few suggestions to add a zing to your life:
1. Learn one new skill every year: Learning new skills, howsoever unimportant they are, brings added confidence. Learn to speak a new language; learn an art like glass painting; cooking special dishes; computer games; public speaking; a course in script writing; a workshop in knowing flowering trees. This will also bring new and like-minded people into your life. Sharing interests with no eye on money or competition is a wonderful part of our lives. Don’s miss out on it!
2. Make new friends who add excitement to your life: Be open to new friendships. When you go to the gym for your workouts, for walks in the gardens, on tours or trips for work or leisure, try to meet new people with different lifestyles and different views. Enrich your knowledge of your own country and other countries by conversing with as many people as you can on a one to one basis, without a sense of superiority or inferiority. Accept that even the humblest of people can add to your knowledge. Even tribal people who live in jungles have and uncanny knowledge of nature by which they can predict rainfall or migration of animals and birds.
3. Audit your life every three years and improve your performance. Your dream diary is a valuable document for you to check how far you have succeeded in realizing your wishes. Change the diary to be somewhat realizing your wishes. Change the diary to be somewhat realistic now and then and make your dreams achievable. Then get down to work and see that you tick as my dreams as possible by turning them into reality.
4. Add variety to your work by using all your skills. Variety is the spice of life, as the old proverb says. Doing different kinds of work – some for fun, some for money and some for the general good – keeps you in good spirits and rejuvenates your energy. Try to accomplish more that one goal while doing one activity. For example, while on you routine walk in the gardens, notice flowers, colours and learn about the seasons in which different flowers grow with their botanical and common names. You will be surprised when a desire to visit a nursery takes root in your mind, adding one more joyous interest to your life.
5. Widen your horizon through new experiences and breaking useless barriers. Break all moldy, obscurantist rules and regulations, which bind you to a meaningless pattern of behaviour. Never lose your dignity, correct values or ethics. But in our ancient traditions, there are many blind superstitions, outdated social mores and mindsets that need to be thrown out of the window for a freer, more global way of thinking. Expand your views with your own and other’s experience. Use the knowledge to enrich your mind. Break old myths and replace them with modern, ambitious thinking, which brings progress and happiness.
6. Include as much traveling in your life as possible. Seeing new places and meeting different kinds of people gives you new glimpses of life into new cultures and exciting concepts of life. Absorb as many new sights and sounds as you can to add work or leisure- a learning experience. If there is a historical or cultural or pilgrimage center near your city of business where you go on an official tour, take some time out to see it and learn its place in your culture or knowledge. Soon, you will find that you are a well-travelled and knowledgeable person!
7. Create new hobbies for yourself. Gardening, nature watching, painting, music, dancing, writing – and many more skills bring you into contact with experts or enthusiastic people who are willing to share their expertise and happiness. Hobbies add fun to your solitary hours. Prepare for your solitude by learning to enjoy activities by yourself.
8. Meditate regularly for joy. Learn to enjoy silence and solitude. Soon, you will begin to seek these beautiful activities because they help you to achieve success and happiness.

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